DAC7 by Cyplom

Secure your business to platform obligations

The DAC7 Directive requires the income generated by users of online platforms to be declared each year. This concerns both transparent and opaque intermediaries within the meaning of VAT.

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Online intermediaries

are required to report user income to the tax authorities annually

Exemption thumb

The DAC 7 directive introduces new obligations for operators of digital platforms that connect sellers, service providers or renters. In concrete terms, these obligations require:

  • of collect and check accurate information (identity, taxation, real estate ownership...).
  • of declare annually this data via a encrypted XML format with the tax authorities.
  • Ofnotify the sellers or service providers concerned on the transmission of their data.

In case of non-compliance, you incur:

  • fines of up to €150,000 per year;
  • A blacklist entry non-cooperative operators.

Enough to endanger your reputation and have a lasting impact on your business if the file is poorly managed.

Scope of Application and Actors Concerned
  • Platform operators : Operators putting sellers/service providers in contact with acquirers/customers via an electronic interface are targeted.
  • Types of activities concerned :
    • Sale of goods.
    • Provision of personal services.
    • Rental of means of transport.
    • Rental of real estate.
  • Exclusions :
    • Payment providers only.
    • Simple directories or advertisements without intermediation.
    • Cryptocurrency exchange services (subject to DAC 8).
    • Sale of digital products.
Who are my customers?

Declarative Obligations and Procedure

  • Data collection and verification :
    • Gather the fiscal and identity information of sellers/service providers (tax number, VAT number, supporting documents for renting real estate, etc.).
    • Set up a verification register (traceability over 36 months).
  • Annual statement :
    • Format imposed by the administration (generally encrypted XML).
    • Transmit the data before January 31 N+1.
  • Information for sellers/service providers :
    • Each operator must inform its users about the collection and sharing of their data with the tax authorities concerned.

What are my costs?

Sanctions and Non-Compliance Risks

  • Fines :
    • Up to 50,000€ for lack of declaration, breach of duty of care, or lack of information from sellers/service providers.
  • Blacklist of non-cooperative operators :
    • Possible inclusion on the blacklist, which can seriously damage the reputation of the platform.
  • Impact on business :
    • Strengthened fiscal controls and legal uncertainty (risks of more thorough investigations, loss of user confidence, etc.).

What are my salaries?

Purpose and Objectives of the Reform

  • Strengthening fiscal transparency :
    • Better identify and control the income received via digital platforms.
  • Combating tax fraud and tax evasion :
    • Facilitate cooperation and data exchange between states of the European Union and, ultimately, of the OECD.
  • Ensuring fair treatment between operators :
    • Prevent certain online activities from evading fiscal or social obligations.

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How do you manage this obligation?

Our support

DAC 7 rules may seem opaque and require both fiscal and IT control.

Cyplom has expertise in both areas and thus allows you to avoid penalties of up to €150,000 per year.


Audit & Personalized approach

  • Initial Diagnosis : We analyze your business model and your activities to confirm the applicability of the DAC 7 regulation.
  • Adaptation of internal procedures : Identification of data collection points (onboarding, contracts, billing...) and verification of consistency with legal requirements.
  • Roadmap : Development of a precise schedule (collection, verification, declaration) and an action plan adapted to your operational constraints.

Operational compliance

  • Collection & Verification : Implementation (or adjustment) of onboarding processes, sellers/service providers sheets, traceability register (36 months).
  • Automation & IT Security : assistance in generating, encrypting and transmitting data in XML format imposed by the tax authorities.
  • Declaration & Information : Consolidation of information, secure sending before January 31 N+1, and communication to users on the sharing of their data.

Long-term follow-up & support

  • “Support & Compliance” Department : A dedicated contact person available to answer your questions, manage complaints or requests for information from the administration.
  • Support in case of control : Assistance in the preparation of supporting documents and defense in the event of litigation or tax audit.
  • Regulatory Updates : Continuous legal and technical monitoring to quickly adapt your procedures to possible changes (DAC 8, OECD extensions, etc.).

Make an appointment now for a free diagnosis and let's build the roadmap together to secure your DAC 7 compliance.

Let's organize a meeting to talk about it!

Learn more

1. What is the DAC7 directive and how is it transposed into French law?

Directive DAC7 (Directive (EU) 2021/514) amends Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation. It aims to improve the collection of information on the revenues generated by sellers and service providers via digital platforms. In France, this directive is transposed by article 134 of law no. 2021-1900 of 30 December 2021 on finances for 2022, and codified in articles 1649 ter A to 1649 ter E of the French Tax Code (FGI). These articles impose new reporting obligations on platform operators. The device replaces the old “Écollab” device (article 242 bis of the FTC).

2. Who is considered to be a “platform operator” subject to these obligations?

A “platform operator” is an entity that enters into a contract with sellers or service providers to make all or part of a digital platform available to them. The platform allows sellers and service providers to be connected with other users to carry out activities such as the sale of goods, the provision of services, the rental of modes of transport or the rental of real estate.

3. What transactions are subject to the reporting obligation?

The operations concerned are:

  • The sale of a property.
  • The provision of a service (for example, passenger transport, personal services).
  • The rental of a mode of transport (cars, boats, etc.).
  • The rental of real estate of any kind (residential, commercial, parking spaces, etc.).

A transaction is deemed to be reportable when it has been carried out by a seller or a service provider who provides an activity referred to in I of article 1649 ter A of the FTC during the reporting period, or to whom consideration is paid or credited, provided that the amount of this consideration is known or perhaps reasonably known to the platform operator.

4. Which platform operators are subject to the reporting obligation in France?

In France, the reporting obligation falls on platform operators with a direct or indirect link with France, i.e. those who are in one of the following situations:

  • Be a resident of France.
  • Not be a resident of France but be incorporated in accordance with French law.
  • Not be a resident of France, nor incorporated in France, but having a permanent establishment in France.
  • Not to be in the previous situations, but to facilitate the carrying out of transactions by sellers or service providers residing in France or the rental of real estate located in France.

A platform operator belonging to several Member States of the European Union may choose to fulfil its reporting obligations with only one of these States. He must then notify his choice to the competent authorities of all the States concerned, including the Directorate-General for Public Finances at france.aeoi@dgfip.finances.gouv.fr.

5. What are the identification elements of sellers and service providers that platform operators should collect?

Platform operators should collect the following items:

  • For natural persons: name and surname, date of birth, main address, tax identification number (NIF) and the issuing State or territory, and where applicable, its VAT identification number.
  • For entities: company name or corporate name, address of the head office, NIF and the issuing State or territory, where applicable VAT identification number, business registration number, and the existence of any permanent establishment through which the transactions referred to in I of article 1649 ter A of the FTC are carried out in the EU.

In case of real estate rental, the address of the property and the land registration number of each lot, as well as the number of days and the type of rental for each lot.

6. What are the due diligence obligations that platform operators must implement?

Platform operators should implement due diligence procedures to identify excluded sellers (e.g. public entities, publicly traded entities, sellers with few transactions). They must verify the reliability of information relating to sellers and service providers, determine their state or territory of residence, and collect the information necessary for reporting. They must also keep a record of the steps taken and the information collected for a period of ten years.

7. What are the deadlines for carrying out these procedures and filing the declarations?

Platform operators have until December 31 of the year following the year in which a seller or service provider registers on the platform to carry out the necessary due diligence. Particular vigilance must be taken by platform operators to carry out due diligence concerning sellers or service providers who register on the platform at the very end of the year. For sellers already registered on January 1, 2023, the operator has until December 31, 2024 to carry out the due diligence. The declaration must be filed no later than 31 January of the year following the year in which the transactions were carried out.

8. How should foreign platform operators register in France?

A foreign platform operator meeting the conditions provided for in 3° of I of Article 1649 ter B of the FTC (i.e. non-resident, not constituted or managed in an EU Member State and not having a permanent establishment in a Member State, but facilitating transactions in France) must register with the French tax authorities. He must communicate certain information, such as his legal name, his address, the email addresses of the platform, any tax identification number assigned by a state or territory, as well as the states or territories of fiscal residence of the sellers and providers. An individual registration number will then be assigned to him. A sample form is available at BOI-LETTRE-000274. This number can be withdrawn if the operator no longer meets the requirements. A re-registration is possible after a period of six months, provided that sufficient guarantees are provided of its commitment to meet its reporting obligations.