The sale of a business is a major step in the life of a business. Should VAT be applied to the transaction? In what cases can you benefit from an exemption?
Article 257 bis of the French Tax Code (FTC) allows, under certain conditions, to avoid the application of VAT in the event of the transfer of an autonomous economic activity. But this rule does not always apply. What happens when you only sell certain elements of the business, such as customers or a brand?
Find out everything you need to know about the application of VAT during a business transfer.
Article 257 bis of the FTC provides for an exemption from VAT for supplies of goods and services made between taxable persons, when they occur as part of the transfer of a universality of goods (all or part of a business).
The objective is to prevent VAT from constituting an obstacle to the transfer of businesses by facilitating the resumption of economic activity.
To benefit from this exemption, the transfer must:
Attention: If the transaction does not meet these criteria, it will be subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20%.
According to European case law (CJEU, Zita Modes SARL judgment, C-497/01), a universality of assets corresponds to a set of tangible and intangible assets constituting an autonomous economic entity.
It is therefore not only a question of transferring stock or equipment, but an activity capable of being continued by the purchaser.
In summary: To benefit from the exemption, you must sell an activity, and not isolated assets!
If the transfer does not concern the entire fund but only certain elements (customers, brand, equipment), article 257 bis of FTC does not apply systematically. It is then necessary to distinguish between situations.
Intangible items are often the essence of a business.
When sold separately, VAT applies in the majority of cases.
However, VAT does not apply if the transfer is subject to registration fees.
The material assets of the business (stocks, furniture, equipment) follow different rules:
Special case of buildings registered in stock: If a building is sold alone, without transmission of activity, VAT is due. On the other hand, if the transfer is part of a transfer of business, it may be exempt.
Tip: It is essential to clearly identify the nature of the items transferred to avoid tax treatment errors, especially when it comes to a transfer of real estate.
Some transactions are exempt from VAT, even if they concern an economic activity.
When VAT applies:
Practical example:
A company sells its restaurant, but the purchaser does not plan to operate it and only wants to recover the equipment for another project. In this case, VAT applies, as it is not a universal transmission.
The application of VAT during a transfer of business depends on numerous criteria.
Thanks to article 257 bis of the FTC, it is possible to avoid the application of VAT, but only if the transfer concerns an autonomous economic activity and the purchaser continues to operate it.
Are you planning to sell or buy a business and want to secure the transaction from a fiscal point of view?
The experts at Cyplom Avocats support you at every stage to optimize your transaction.
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